About us
WHO are We
Bassa Nge Community North America (BNC) is a non-profit, non-governmental organization comprising of the people who originate from the Bassa Nge tribal group in Bassa Local Government, Kogi State, Nigeria, and whose primary residence is in North America, specifically, the United States of America and Canada. BNC is also open to all persons who share and are committed to advancing our vision and mission, regardless of their place of origin or residence on planet earth. We are known everywhere for our resilience and commitment to the dignity of people.
Our mission
BNC works to promote healthy living among the people of Bassa Nge land through access to essential medicines to prevent and treat diseases and digging of bore holes or wells to provide good and portable drinking water.
Our vision
We seek to alleviate suffering in Bassa Nge land through focus on disease prevention and treatment, thereby advancing wellness and longevity.
We put the people who live in Bassa Nge land at the center of our vision and mission because they labored to give us a good educational foundation that has helped to make us the successful people we have become and we have a responsibility to give back to a community still in dire need of our support.
We are accountable to the people we humbly serve and the people who support our work, transparently sharing our results, stories and lessons.
We know that by embracing differences, actively including a variety of voices, and joining together we can achieve much together and solve the most complex problems.
We challenge ourselves to the highest level of performance, tapping the best of the human spirit to create impact.
We believe in the equal value of every human being and the importance of respecting and honoring each individual; we know that change happens through people.
There are 100-plus villages in Bassa Nge land, Kogi State, Nigeria.
The ultimate goal of the BNC is to provide clean drinking water to ALL the villages in Bassa Nge land, such that the people who live in any of these villages would have access to clean water within a one-mile radius of their places of residence. This would help to alleviate the perennial suffering of the Bassa Nge people who live in villages in Bassa Nge land where they have no access to clean water, and help prevent common water-borne diseases, such as cholera, typhoid, dysentery, worm infestations, etc., which are easily preventable but have had fatal outcomes for many of these villagers. In addition, this would help people to live healthier and longer lives.
Besides providing clean drinking water, it is equally important that these villagers have ready access to much needed essential and life-saving, as well as, Over-the-Counter (OTC) medicines, for the prevention, treatment or management of some recurrent and chronic diseases that afflict the people of Bassa Nge land.
To support our lofty ambitions, our strategic plan is to continuously seek and partner with donor agencies, governments, individuals, other charitable organizations and anyone who shares our vision, to raise much-needed funds and medicines to deliver against our objectives. We are a small community with a compassionate heart and a big vision. We believe that with God's help and the support of others who choose to partner with us, we are well able to accomplish this Herculean task.
Thank you so much for embracing our vision and mission, and for your support. May God bless you!